(Sr. Anna Ali wrote and read this letter to priests at a retreat in
Nakuru, Kenya in the early ‘90s)
Nakuru, Kenya in the early ‘90s)
Dear Priests,
Today there is a craving need which ends up calling for a renewal
in our commitment and dedication to the Blessed Sacrament. The
Eucharist has a formative character. Through the devotion to the
Blessed Sacrament, Priests hand on the love of Christ in all its
wealth and diversity.
Conscious of this meaning, it gives me great joy to be able to share
the following message with you Priests of the Catholic Diocese of
Nakuru during the retreat, at which you intend to resolve to renew
your commitment in the service of God.
To Christ Entrust Souls
The Lord says, “Oh how many souls could come closer to me if a
Priest would hear the confessions and guide them with patience and
Myself, Anna Ali, my heart trembles when I hear you say while in
consecration, “This is my Body, do this in memory of me” and then
further on “This is my Blood, do this in memory of me”.
When I see a Priest, I only think of Jesus Christ. Even if the Priest is
weak, I respect him in my heart. This is one of my secret I reveal to
you - the Priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus Himself. I tell
you the truth. Even when I could go to confession to the angels who
live with God, they cannot absolve me and they cannot consecrate the
Bread and Wine to be the BODY, BLOOD, SOUL and DIVINITY of
our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please I beg you, for the sake of Christ Himself, for the souls and
for so many poor souls who are only saved through your sacred
ministry, acknowledge Him. Take care of yourselves more than
ever. Temptations are very close to you. The devil is very clever and
cunning. He, together with his so many demons, is aware that his
time is very short. He is fighting you and he will continue without
ceasing. At present, more than ever, he is very aggressive. He is very
busy trapping souls in his net and throwing them to hell. The Lord
says to me, “This is the Apocalyptical hour in the world. The
diabolical army is marching very freely now.”
Since He has chosen you, He will grant you all support if only you
rely on Him alone. The Lord Jesus says this to you priest:
“As my Father sent me, I send you. He who listens to you, listens
to me. He who despises you, despises me.”
Myself Anna, my heart burns always wishing if only a Priest would
understand who he is to God and what Jesus expects of him. Just
meditate on your Priesthood. I beg in fact. Jesus, the Son of the living
God, is very obedient to you. Please take it serious to understand.
If you ask God, you can understand but not fully. I have really cried
many tears before the Lord asking Him to make a Catholic Priest
understand who he is to God and to us poor miserable like me.
Then He answered me this, “If a Priest relies on Me fully and takes
serious his Sacred ministry meditating on each word seriously,
he can understand, but not fully. Very few understand.”
He says:
Anyway, for me Anna, I don’t have much knowledge of God so I
really don’t know how to explain what he means when he says, “He
will die of Love.”
I personally pray for you all to have zeal in working only for the
salvation of souls. I know that the Sacred ministry of a Priest is very
hard with loneliness, all types of ups and downs. The evil one does
not sleep 24 hours. I advice you to rely entirely on Jesus Himself, the
High Priest, and pray with confidence to him who is the source of all
goodness. Do not fear the human weakness but allow Jesus to give
you all the graces, then in this you will find that you have courage
in self sacrifice.
Remember always, all life is a struggle and Christ says, “You
never chose me.” He chose you. His love is greater than sin and
Also I ask you to keep yourselves always under the MANTLE
and hands of the Blessed Mother of the High priest. The Blessed
Virgin Mary as a Mother understands the problems of her sons
in this present world. Never was it known in any age that anyone
who fled to her protection was left unaided. So please ask her
motherly protection.
I also pray for you through her intercession. I humbly beg you to join
and help me in making reparation to the Lord for so many offenses,
sacrileges and outrages done against Him and especially offenses
committed against the Sacrament of the Holy Order.
God is omnipotent, if only you can call Him from heaven to the Altar
on Earth and He comes very obediently to you; then what more can
He not grant you if you ask?
When you don’t rely on God, the devil is very happy then he
traps you. All you do besides your office as a priest is lost time,
at the end all what will remain is the time that you lived for God
saving souls. The world, flesh pleasures and honours will pass
away, but Christ will remain for all eternity.
I hope you are aware that your ministry is not only for Catholics.
You save all kinds of souls. In the Eucharistic celebration I do hear
you mention these words:
“Welcome into your Kingdom our departed brothers and sisters
and all those who have left this world in your friendship...”
Anna Ali trembles to hear these words. All souls benefit from that
prayer. Muslims, Buddhists, pagans, Protestants, etc. Because
you don’t say, “Welcome into your Kingdom only Catholics.”
Imagine ‘ALL’ those. So many souls are now in heaven through
this prayer. You will be surprised to meet even those worshiping
‘cows’ in heaven through your prayers as a Catholic Priest.
To Anna Ali there is no human language to explain fully how
great a Catholic Priest is. Please I am telling you this with tears
in my heart. It is not a joke. I beg you to uphold and respect your
dignity as Christ in the world of today.
Being a Priest Jesus has invested you with His own power that you
may absolve our sins, we poor Christians. (Sacrament of Penance).
The Lord Jesus asks me to pray, do reparation, acts of contrition
not only for myself but even for my brothers in the Priesthood.
He says to me He is very obedient to the word of a Priest when
he summons a call to Him during consecration. He comes
immediately to earth and He totally surrenders Himself in your
hands. Then you may give us in the Holy Communion; and you
also confine Him in the Tabernacle for all of us to visit and adore
Him. He remains there for us. With your own hands you may
also treat Him unworthily. It is terrible when the one who called
Him mistreats Him. So please watch with love.
The prayer of all prayers is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Without a
Catholic Priest in general we would not have the Seven Sacraments
which support us on our journey in vale of tears in order to travel
well till we reach heaven. So through you a Catholic Priest, God
is with us in the Tabernacle (EMMANUEL).
It is sad. Pray also for your Brothers and other Priests. I have found
that many fall into the net of the devil against their own wish and
“Satan has started a war against mankind such as has never
been before.” This is noticeable in the attacks and offenses against
Priesthood today.
Please I beg in your parishes to help the poor Christians to understand
that Jesus in the Holy Eucharist has veiled Himself in a plain
little Host in order to be easily approachable by Christians. Help
them also to prepare for their last hours.
There are so many sinning souls who seek help at death but they
can’t find it. Let them know the importance of the last moment of
their life on Earth.
Please I beg. “Help them to visit Jesus in the Eucharist. May they not
pass Him by. He became a prisoner in the Tabernacle, day and night
He is there for all people.”
The presence of JESUS CHRIST in the Eucharist is the most
overwhelming manifestation of God in our present world. It is
the most embracing presence that we are given to experience.
For He reveals Himself to us by unveiling to our senses in faith.
He allows himself to be identified in that nature.
For us who really believe and adore Him with willingness we
shall finally experience Heaven, that is, God’s loving presence.
Also may we always examine the Scripture more closely, in order
to be more convinced of the SILENT HAPPINESS that wells up
within us when faced with Jesus Christ.
The Church and the whole world is in need of Eucharistic Adoration.
Jesus waits day and night in the prison of the Tabernacle.
He is truly present in the Eucharist as He is in Heaven.
In the Mysterium Fidei Pope Paul the VI says:
“The Holy Eucharist is a Mystery of Faith.” So please I beg you my
dear Brother Priests to be very serious of the fact you have souls
to save and an ETERNITY that awaits you and all of us.
If one soul of a Priest goes to heaven it goes with a multitude of
souls and if it goes to hell it goes with a multitude of souls.
Avoid evil with the grace of God so that one day you will reach
heaven. You will be very excited and happy to see so many souls
unknown to you saved and reach heaven through your prayers, Mass
Sacrifice and your sacred life as a priest.
Pope John Paul II says, “THE CHURCH’S NEW
To me the Holy Eucharist is the Most Precious TREASURE OF MY
Grateful to you all in Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Sr. Anna Ali
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ReplyDeleteSr Anna Ali pray for me and my family against all evil attacks Amen, 🙏